Here are a seclection of hot nude videos and leaked photos of Scott Bairstow! Scott Hamilton Bairstow is currently a Canadian-born American hot actor who is known for for his roles as Newt Call on the Lonesome Dove series in Canada and also as Ned Grayson on the American television drama series, Party of Five. Scott has a hung cock featured in these pics!! In addition to his role on Party of Five, and also the X-Files episode: Miracle Man, Bairstow had starred as the lead character, Newt Call, in both Lonesome Dove: The Series and also ‘Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, in addition to the lead, Lt. Lots of these vids includes Scott with a hard cock and you can see his hard cock! Bairstow was married to Marty Rich from 1994 to 2000, and also had 2 sons, Casey William and also Dalton. I hope you enjoy these hunky leaked vids!!!!