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Check out multiple hunky naked leaked videos / leaked photos of Gary Lee Davis! Gary Lee Davis was a convicted murderer and also rapist who was executed by the U. Gary Lee Davis has a huge cock shown in these pics! Although Davis apparently had a history of predatory sexual behavior, which he later admitted to in various accounts following his conviction for murder, his criminal record included only convictions for grand larceny and also burglary in Kansas in 1970 and also 1971, and also menacing in Colorado in 1979. Lots of these videos shows Gary Lee Davis getting undressed and you can see his hot body!! On July 21, 1986, Davis and also Fincham kidnapped their neighbor, Virginia May, from in front of her children; they subsequently drove her to a deserted field, where Davis raped May and also then shot her 14 times with a rifle. I know you like the new vids!!!!

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